Rodney House Specialist Support School

Rodney House Specialist Support School

Early Years SEND Inclusion Fund - CLICK ON LINK


SEND inclusion funding 

Early Years SEND Inclusion Fund - Settings, child minders and school nurseries can apply for additional funding to support children with identified Special Educational Needs in their setting.

The SEND Inclusion Fund is targeted at children with emerging SEN. It does not cover children who are already receiving support through an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  Manchester’s early years pathway provides a wide range of early help services commissioned by the local authority to support early years children with SEND, their families and providers. The services include the Rodney House Outreach Service for Early Years (RHOSEY), educational psychology, the Lancasterian Sensory Support Service for children with hearing and visual impairments and Information, Advice and Support Manchester. In addition to these services, the local authority has made available an SEN inclusion fund.

The SEN inclusion fund is for three and four year olds who are taking up any number of hours of free entitlement. Manchester will also consider applications for two year olds.

The funding should be used to assist the inclusion of the individual child within the mainstream setting and where their learning and development outcomes can only be achieved with additional resources. The funding is not available for children of reception age.

Schools and settings including childminders will need to complete a request with parents/carers  and will seek advice and support from Rodney House Outreach Service for Early Years (RHOSEY) before they can apply for this funding.